Claros Prophecy Centre

Claros(Prophecy Centre), a place where the concept of world citizenship adopted.Claros was an ancient Greek sanctuary on the coast of Ionia. It contained a temple and oracle of Apollo, honored here as Apollo Clarius. Claros, The Godhead God Apollo is one of the two important prophecy centers in Anatolia. İzmir is located at Menderes District at the base of Ahmetbeyli Valley, 13 km to the north of Kolophon and 2 km to the south of Notion.

There had been many applications this Prophecy Centre of Apollo Clarios from Anatolia(Bithynia, Mysia, Troas, Aiolis, Ionia, Lydia, Phygria ve Karia, Pisidia, Pamphylia, Paphlagonia, Cappodacia),Greece, Thrace, Macedonia, Islands(Such as Chios, Crete) and Syria Cities. In short, these applications could had been as individually or municipally from many parts of the Ancient World.

Alexander The Great applied to this center for the interpretation of a dream he had seen and set up the new town of Smyrna in Pagos upon receiving the answer that the new people to sit in Pagos would be 3-4 times more happy. Alexander's application to this center is the first individual application made here.Like the Hellenes, communities seen as Barbarians could apply to this center.This made Claros famous. It was a place where the concept of world citizenship is adopted.

Replicas of many statues found here is exhibited in this center. Many important figurines such as Artemis and homeros are in here. Original sculptures are in the surrounding museums. While you are walking here you can come across the foot pieces of the gigantic sculptures. There is entrance fee in Claros. If you visit during winter time, do not forget that some parts may be full of water because it is below the clathose floor. Since this city is in the Ionia region, you can also visit the neighboring cities which are Kolophon, Notion, Teos and Ephesus.

Alexander The Great

Alexander The Great, İstanbul Archaeological Museums.
Alexander The Great was King of Macedonia, Pharaoh of Egypt and Monarch of Asia.
Alexander was educated by the great philosopher Aristotle. Aristotle was a student of Plato whose teacher was Socrates. Aristotle, Plato and Socrates called as big three in philosophy. So Alexander had been equipped with the latest scientific ideas of the period, built in nearly a century, in 3 generations. He conceptualized the importance of science and philosophy.

His some interesting quotes about the one united world:
-This may originate from Plutarch's essay On the Tranquility of Mind, part of the essays Moralia: Alexander wept when he heard Anaxarchus discourse about an infinite number of worlds, and when his friends inquired what ailed him, "Is it not worthy of tears," he said, "that, when the number of worlds is infinite, we have not yet become lords of a single one?"

-There are no more other worlds to conquer!

The unification of all the nations of the world under one single state was a dream of him. He did not harm the religious temples which he captured, equated the Egyptian gods to the Greek gods and respected the cultures of other societies. His these features made him a popular ruler in lands outside of Macedonia.

Nearly Seventy cities were builded in new conquered lands and some of their names were Alexander. During his campaign he was taking along important people like scholars.

During the reign of his, Greek culture and greek language spread over a very wide area. Alexander became the pioneer of the Helenistic Period and prepared the foundations of the Roman Empire.
Alexander lost his life in Babylon at the age of 33. Without this surprise death, Our world would look very different from now. There could be the same language and religion in all other continents, except for the American continent in the world. Due to the importance given to informatics, maybe the world would not experience with medieval era. We could enter the industrial revolution era instead of entering the middle ages.